Friday, June 06, 2008

Another Look at Social Marketing

From my email recently:

Trial, No Error

Posted: 05 Jun 2008 07:51 AM CDT

In the new age of social everything, I believe we’ll be seeing more “social” advertising. I’m not talking about ads showing up in social media. I’m talking about advertisers having more of a dialogue with prospects and customers. They will introduce themselves through product samples, for instance. We’re already seeing this happen in a phenomenon called “tryvertising” by Trendwatching, which says,

Tryvertising is a development of product placement where timing plays a critical role in getting the products in to the hands of consumers and encouraging them to try them out.

This trend, which appears to have started in Japan, is a way for people to try before they buy and then they help spread the word about the product. Directing this method at high end consumers while they are on vacation seems to be popular. The theory is that you can form new habits over 7 - 10 days while out of your usual environment. Mercedes Benz has offered complimentary use of its cars through Ritz Carlton Hotels, for instance.

A company in the UK, Matter, is carrying the idea ahead this year with boxes of products direct mailed to key consumers.

Matter is a new and unique idea in communications that brings companies and people together around real, physical stuff–things you can hold in your hands, keep in your drawer, or give to your friends. It’s a new way for companies to introduce themselves by giving you something you might like. Matter is being tested early in 2008 and the first real Matter box will be created later in the year.

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