Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Internet Connections

If you think that having a MySpace page is the same as having a website, Stop it.

If you think that Facebook is a professional networking site, Stop that too.

Instead, invest in a website, even if it's just for your own use. I use mine as my homepage. You can buy a domain for 10 bucks a year and build a basic, functional and customizable website from Google, free.

As far as connections, professionals have been flocking to LinkedIn.com It's based on the 6 degrees of separation theory.

I signed up last year, (it's free), but did nothing with it until a local friend of mine sent me an invitation to join and I realized I already joined. About the same time I read a couple of articles by Jill Konrath about how to use LinkedIn. Look for the LinkedIn Handbook on the right side of this page under Free Marketing E-Books.

I currently have around 100 contacts, which is dwarfed by Jill's 500+. But this is not just about collecting names, it is about helping others and having others available to help you, not just face to face, but perhaps in a different town, city, or country. I have featured some of Jill's articles and am promoting an event she has coming up next month, and we have talked about our daughters via LinkedIn.

As a matter of fact I want to point you to Katie Konrath's blog, (getFreshMinds.com) on creativity, which Jill told me about. Tomorrow, I'll tell you about something I found on Katie's blog as these internet connections keep growing.

(I do have Facebook and MySpace pages, but they are just for staying in touch with some friends and family that are not LinkedIn).

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1 comment:

Unknown said...


Thanks for the kind words - and mentioning Katie's blog. As a young person, she's done a tremendous job building her online presence.

By writing, she's developing her own style, opinions & voice. Plus, she's connecting with many other well-known people in her field - and they're acting as her cheerleaders.

When potential employers look at it, they're impressed. It speaks far more about her capabilities than a static resume could.

Like you, I strongly recommend that people get their own websites and start posting!