Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Creative Marketing Process Explained

Here's an excellent article from the Thinking Blog on asking the right questions to assemble an advertising and marketing campaign.

Creativity also needs to have a financial goal, read more:

Creative Briefs

Posted: 18 Aug 2008 08:00 AM CDT

Recently young people going into the advertising and marketing business have asked questions about creative briefs. So, I thought I’d address that topic here. I’ve written several articles and posted often on the subject of creative briefs. But today I thought I’d provide an overview of the My Creative Team creative work plan.

First, we ask: why are we communicating? Do we need to launch a new product or revive an old one? Are we trying to raise brand awareness or sell widgets?

Then, we need to know who are we talking to. Is our audience in New York, North Carolina or nationwide? Are they 18 - 25 males, or 55-plus females? Are there any lifestyle attributes that would help us understand this audience better?

What do they currently think? Do they know about this at all? Do they have preconceived notions that we have to dispel?

Then, we ask: What would we like them to think?

In my opinion these next two questions are the most crucial to help creatives in developing your marketing material: What is the single most persuasive idea we can convey? Why should they believe it?

Finally, marketing material can only do so much. It is not a magic bullet. So, we need to ask: What do we realistically hope to accomplish?

What thoughts do you have about creative briefs? Do you use a different format? Join the conversation.

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