Monday, August 18, 2008

Cold Calling Blooper

Good Monday Morning!

Some folks say you should never make cold calls, to which I partially agree. There has to be a way to warm things up.

If I am phone cold calling, it's not to sell anything other than a meeting. And with the economy being what it is, sometimes you simply have to get on the phone to stir up an appointment or two.

Over the weekend, I saw this clever posting on Jill Konraths Blog:

Cold Calling Bloopers: How a Quick-Witted Seller Saved the Day

Womanonphone_2 Cold calling is tough. We all struggle with it. That's why I laughed today when I talked with Sara, who works for a New York-based PR firm. She'd just seen my new video clips where I'm speaking about the challenges of connecting with corporate decision makers.

Sara understood exactly what I was talking about! That's when she told me her story:

I was calling a major media outlet to "pitch" one of our clients. Of course, I got voice mail. About half way through my message, my mind went totally blank. So I hung up.

As soon as my memory returned, I recalled the client and picked up exactly where I left off ...

"Hi. This is Sara calling again. We must have gotten disconnected. As I was saying..."

Now that's quick thinking. I wish I'd thought of it!

Jill has a special sales training event planned for next month. Click here for all the details.

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