Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Re inventing the Wall Street Journal

Is the WSJ a publication dealing with business and financial issues?

Or should the WSJ become less specialized on their content, and instead become a lifestyle publication?

Your answer and mine don't matter at this point, because it appears that option 2 is in play. It has been announced that the WSJ will cover sports. The New York Times reports:

Mr. Murdoch says he wants The Journal to expand nonbusiness coverage, especially in areas like politics, government and entertainment, while also making it more inviting and easier to read. Adding sports reporting would seem to fit into that strategy.

The Journal regularly covers the business of sports, but does not cover the sports themselves extensively. But in recent years, seeking more ads aimed at consumers rather than businesses, it has greatly expanded its lifestyle and consumer reporting, adding “softer” sections like Personal Journal and Weekend Journal, and a Saturday newspaper.

People at the paper who have been briefed on the plan say it is very likely that a sports page, possibly tucked into Personal Journal, will be created in the next few months. But they cautioned that it was not yet clear how often the page would appear or what kinds of articles it would contain. (READ MORE)

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