Friday, January 16, 2009

Sales Heaven

A touch of reality arrived in my email last week:

Hey Scott,

Ever go to sales heaven in a dream?

You know the place -- everyone you speak to, or everyone on
your e-mail list buys from you... they all buy the first
time they meet you... all the orders stick, and they all
move up your sales funnel, almost instantly.

Nice place to be, isn't it?

Only two problems with sales heaven: One, you have to die
to get there... and two, there's no merchant account.

Look, the reality is you are never going to be able to sell
everyone. You can't even make everyone that's in your life
happy all the time, so how can you possibly sell to them

So put away your optimism and let's talk about reality. The
truth is, there's one thing that is in your control and
that is your choice of customers. Deliberately choosing
the right customers in the first place, is half the battle
for most people.

The more you just "take anyone who comes along" into your
prospecting funnel, the more you waste your time.

Which is one of the problems with the internet, by the way.
It offers you the least amount of prospecting control of
almost any media. Not that I don't like it, or profit from
it as a media, but that's just the way it is.

So how do you choose the right customer? What makes someone
pre-qualified and what makes them unqualified to buy from

The answer is simple. There are three things, actually:

1. They have to have money. Broke people or people too
broke to buy from you won't pay your bills or feed your
children. So stay away from them.

Repel them like skunk odor, and do everything in your power
to avoid contact with them -- at least, if you're trying to
run a profitable business, anyway.

2. You have to be able to reach them through your
marketing. So for example, if you've developed something
for undercover FBI agents or NFL football players, I don't
care how valuable your widget is, it's gonna be tough to
sell, simply because these two marketplaces aren't very

3. And lastly, the people you're selling to have to be
comfortable buying through whatever media you're using.
For instance, there are some people who just won't buy
anything online, so unless you give them an alternative way
of ordering, it's going to be difficult to make them your

Make sense?

This is an important subject that gets very little
attention. Most people just think in terms of volume. You
know, "Throw enough shit up against the wall and
something's bound to stick," sort of mentality.

And that's all well and good if you've got infinite dollars
to spend on marketing and you don't care how much time you
waste, but since most successful people value their time
more than anything else in the world, this really isn't a
good option.

(You can always make more money, but you can't make more
time, right?)

See where I'm going with all this?

There are a few more characteristics you should look for to
find the best quality prospects, and over the next few days
we'll talk about some of them.

Hopefully... you'll listen.

Now go sell something , Craig Garber

P.S. In this month's Seductive Selling Newsletter, I answer
these three critical lead-generation questions, sent in by

* How long (or short) can these "free reports" or sales
letters be?

* What proportion of content should be included? And...

* How can you give away good content without giving away
all the good stuff in what you're selling?

Find out the answers to these questions, and a hell of a lot
more, and take your free test-drive at


Questions? Just ask me, baby!

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