Monday, January 12, 2009

Any Press Coverage is Good?

... as long as they spell my name right....

Please do not confuse occasional new releases and stories in the paper with a marketing campaign.

I was talking to a friend about this yesterday, because a photo of me apeared on the front page of the local Sunday paper.

And the only ones that cared where those that already knew me. Through out the day, I got a few phone calls and emails from folks that I knew including some I had not talked to in several months.

The story was not about me, it was about internet usage, and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and they spelled my name correctly.

This is not a substitute for a planned marketing campaign. So, if this is what you are counting on to be successful in 2009 or anytime, you simply must do more. This was a bonus.

And I'm sure I would have received more calls from strangers if I had won the lottery and was pictured with a big check.

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