Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Are you sold? Take this quick test:

Are You Sold on What You're Selling?

You will always be your number one customer. It's not the big account you service, nor is it the hot new prospect you just uncovered; it's you.

The reason is simple. If you're not completely confident in what you're selling, you will never come close to maximizing your sales potential.

The current sales environment makes the need to sell yourself even more important. If you think you're the exception to this rule and you're not completely confident in the products or services you offer, ask yourself this simple question: Have you ever offered a discounted price to either keep a customer or attract a new one?

Few salespeople can honestly say they have never done this. If you have, it means that you were not 100 percent sold on your product or service.

Source: Sales consultant/speaker Mark Hunter (, 2009)

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