Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The big news yesterday and today on the talking box, (television) was the Illinois Governor corruption scandal.

What componds and outrages those who are watching this unfold is the lack of honesty, remorse, or anything that shows any sense of regret.

This is a public relations nightmare.

Compare this to the advertising and marketing world and read what I found on the THINKing blog:


Link to THINKing

The Elasticity Of Truth

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 09:05 AM CST

Would you lie to get business?

In a new business pitch once, we told the prospect that we require any message we help deliver to be true. This seemed to pose a problem for some in the organization we were pitching, particularly among the Europeans.

The Europeans in the group seemed to have a more elastic definition of the truth than did the Americans.

To be anything but truthful hurts you in a number of ways:

- your message may attract the wrong prospects for you

- your message may attract the right prospects for the message and when they find out you are lying, you lose the customer and they tell others about your lie.

- lying is just wrong from a moral standpoint.

Thoughts? Anyone?

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