Monday, June 23, 2008

Traditional Media is Not Dead

With all the talk about and usage of the "new media", sometimes you may wonder about where to place your ad dollars.

Advertising online is still being figured out. In the meantime, take a look at this:

Old Media Is Good for Marketing, Says Study
The New York Times
A study called "When Advertising Works" finds that ads in traditional media, including television, make a better impression on consumers than ads running in digital media.

Conducted by Yankelovich, the study shows that 56% of respondents said traditional media ads made a positive impression compared to 31%, who said that about digital media ads.

The key reason is that consumers using traditional media tend to be in a positive, relaxed mood, while people using digital media tend to be busy trying to solve problems, says J. Walker Smith, Yankelovich Monitor president. Also, digital consumers were more often by themselves, while people in groups usually consume traditional media. - Read the whole story...

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