Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 1 of 7 Tips for writing ads

Yesterday, we wrapped up a 26 part series of Selling Tips from Harvey Mackay.

June 1st, we'll begin a series from Seth Godin on Marketing.

Today, I'm kicking off a 7 day series on copywriting radio and television commercials.

I found this article a few days ago on Craig Arthur's website and it is excellent. Let's get started:

7 Tips for Writing Radio & Television Ad

by guest writer Sonya Winterbotham

Clutter V Clarity. It is better to tell one idea well, than to tell ten badly. Are you trying to put too much into your message? Try to strip all the information bare and find the strongest message, so you can tell that story well. Put aside all the client information that meets our expectations and go digging for that one little piece that surpasses our expectations, that piece of new information that will surprise the customer. Simplify that core message down to one sentence, even one word, than start to build your masterpiece from there. This little piece of gold is your foundation... now you can build the creative and it won't fall over.

I have used this exercise with clients and friends:

  1. describe your business in 10 words.
  2. Now narrow it down to 6 words.
  3. Narrow it to three words.
  4. Can you narrow it down to 1 word?
Then we build from there.

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