Sunday, December 12, 2010

Perhaps it's Both

I am responsible for managing myself.

Yes, I have a job that pays me and a boss who looks over my shoulder at the radio stations I work for, but that's because he has a boss that is looking over his shoulder and she has a boss that is looking over her shoulder...

But no one but me can tell me if I should be doing more or doing better.

I suspect with most of us it's a combination.

Here's my Sunday Seth Godin to explain:

Do more vs. do better

The easiest form of management is to encourage or demand that people do more. The other translation of this phrase is to go faster.

The most important and difficult form of management (verging on leadership) is to encourage people to do better.

Better is trickier than more because people have trouble visualizing themselves doing better. It requires education and coaching and patience to create a team of people who are better.

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