Thursday, April 08, 2010

Tiger Tales

When I read this last night, I knew I had to share it ASAP...

From Jim Meisenheimer:

Tiger's Dilemma

Tiger Woods is the world's number one golfer.

What can you say - this guy is really good at the game
of golf.

He's also a master at the game of business having earned
over $1 billion by the age of 34.

What he's not so good at is managing his personal life.
I'm not a judge, just an observer.

What was he thinking - well he probably wasn't thinking!

What was he doing - I don't want to know.

This week Tiger's playing at the Masters in Augusta
Georgia. I hope he does well. Actually I even hope he
wins. It'll be good for him and it'll be very good for
the game of golf.

Are you paying enough attention to your family? It's
never too late to take you family off the back burner
of your life. They deserve better than that.

I've written about Tiger Woods before, in fact I'm
releasing a new e-book this week titled No-brainer
Sales Tips Volume I
, which includes two different
chapters about Tiger Woods.

He's a great golfer and a human being who has made a
lot of mistakes in his life.

Personally, I can relate to the second half of that
description, the part about making lots of mistakes.

He's been to the top of the mountain and has seen
the valley of shame and only time will determine if
he's able to put his personal life back on the right
track. Personally, I hope he does!

But there are some lessons to be learned from Tiger's

-- Well, the more you have the more you can lose.

-- Real character is what you're doing when you think
no one is looking.

-- Gargantuan mistakes are tough to undo.

-- Families are fragile and brittle.

-- Everything in moderation - where have I heard that
one before?

-- Second chances can take a lifetime of effort.

-- Be the best you can be, but not at the expense of
your family.

-- The lessons learned in a lifetime are a little like
a double edge razor. By observing people and how they
behave you can learn what to do and what not to do.

Thanks Tiger for teaching me a thing or two about the
juggling act between my work and my life.

No matter what he's doing on the golf course or off,
everybody will be watching to see if he's doing what's
right every day.

Better him than me because I couldn't take that kind
of pressure.

Will you be watching the Masters this weekend?

I know I will.

Sales tip - always do what's right in your life and
your business. The older you get the more a guilty
conscience weighs.

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Sales Training Webinars

I will soon be launching sales training webinars for
entrepreneurs and profesional salespeople.

Please help me decide what time of day I should offer
these Webinars.

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Jim Meisenheimer. 13506 Blythefield. Lakewood Ranch. FL. 34202

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