Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Is there Value in Viral Video?

from MarketingProfs:

Viral, Shpiral

You've almost certainly seen, or heard about, the YouTube video of a Minnesota wedding in which the bride, groom and their attendants dance and tumble down the aisle to Chris Brown's Forever.

According to Rick Burnes, this is the viral ideal. "15 million people reached with no money spent on distribution or production," he says in a post at the HubSpot blog. "Businesses that achieve that kind of reach profit enormously. If you have any doubts, checkout what it did to Forever's iTunes sales."

But since few videos ever achieve that level of success—or even come close—marketers might be tempted to skip the format altogether. But before you abandon video, consider Burnes's argument that non-viral videos also serve your business. Here are some highlights from his post:

Videos give your company a voice. "It's one thing to read a paragraph about a company," he notes, "but it's a completely different thing to spend four minutes listening to a company's founder explain the vision and purpose of the company."

They offer ongoing benefits. Even after the initial burst of traffic dies down, a video at your website or YouTube can continue to serve your marketing efforts.

The more you produce, the better your chances of a viral hit. "No successful movie studio bets their year on a single film," he says. "They spread their resources across multiple films, and hope they'll get one money-maker out of their portfolio."

The Po!nt: Even if your videos never go viral, they can still be marketing winners for your company.

Source: HubSpot. Click here for the full post.

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