Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Put down the Shovel

You'll understand as you read these words from Jim:

Start, Stop and Change

You have all the potential in the world -- use it!

Prepare a list of your key selling activities. Things like prospecting, cold calling, asking questions, sales presentations, sales proposals, handling the price objection, closing the sale, time management etc.

For every item on your list, ask this question. Starting today what can you start doing, stop doing, or change how you're doing it?

Let your imagination run wild.

Imagine your weakest selling link is prospecting. What can you start doing to fix that? Well, you can start setting a goal to call on one new sales prospect every day. This will have a huge impact on your business.

What can you stop doing? You can stop thinking you will call on sales prospects at the end of the day -- when you usually run out of time.

What can you change? You can change the order of things. For example, you can begin every day by calling on one new sales prospect.

A lot of salespeople and entrepreneurs today feel like they're in a hole. Someone much wiser than me said, "The best way out of a hole is to stop digging." Stop digging and create a plan to get out of the hole you're in.

Source: Sales strategist/author Jim Meisenheimer (

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