Saturday, March 07, 2009

Fire them

In a world where good people are losing jobs and others with bad attitudes are doing a lousy job, you need to upgrade your staff.

Check out this story (especially the end) and you'll see what a bad employee can do to your company image and success.

This is from Andrea Nierenberg:

Customer Service Gone Wrong

Today I was in the Port Authority bus terminal as I had to go to New Jersey to visit the family of a friend who had just passed away.

What happened as I walked up to the "Information" booth is one of those --" I can't make this up"

There was no line and the attendant was busy doing her crossword puzzle. I waited for what seemed like 2 minutes and I finally asked for some help.

Without looking up once and sighing that I had bothered her---she still said nothing.

At that point, I said: I'm very sorry to bother you as you are doing your crossword puzzle'..

She then said--"Here is the schedule--look it up yourself"-------

I walked away in disbelief because I needed to get the bus---I thought about this situation and in this economy where jobs are being lost by the thousands everyday---here is one position that someone who truly needs and wants a job could clearly do a better job than the person that is there now.

Also--even though I don't want to make a judgment--when I think of Port Authority---I will remember this woman and her actions or lack of. She doesn't realize it--yet she is part of the brand,the first person some people see when they go to the terminal.

It is a sorry story on Customer service gone wrong.

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