Friday, September 10, 2010



How to Become a Winning Sales ACE -- and avoid getting shot down!
by Waldo Waldman, The Wingman
If you want to test the true character of a person, see how they respond to adversity.

Watch how they handle the pressure of a lost sale, an angry client, or a difficult boss. What do they say? How do they act? What is their emotional state? Do they freeze up and get angry, or do they buckle down and increase their focus and commitment?

The same holds true for those who would assume the mantle of leadership in business. When adversity hits, how they respond in the market will determine their ability to stay in business and win. Leadership – both on a personal and organizational level – ultimately drives the actions taken amidst crisis and change.

Today's economy is full of adversity. I call them "missiles of business and life." It seems we are being fired at every day. Rising costs of fuel, shrinking budgets, demanding clients, and a lack of qualified (and loyal) employees all create an intense and constantly changing environment. As soon as we think we defeated one missile...BAM! Another one is fired. As soon as profits start coming in...BAM, another competitor enters the fight.

The missiles will come and you will be fired upon. It's not a matter of if, but when and how often. The key is NOT to get shot down!

In fighter combat, the best pilots who are able to adapt to adversity and change are called ACES. They prepare relentlessly and are the most focused and committed under pressure. They are the respected and accomplished leaders in their squadrons because they don't run away when fear knocks on their door. They buckle down and ultimately take action.

The right action.

Read the rest here

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