Friday, July 16, 2010

Facebook vs Email

My friend Kevin wrote about what Ben & Jerry's is doing to notify their fans about new flavors and gives the pro's and cons and outlines what this means to your business. By the way, I first met Kevin via my preferred Social Media, Twitter.

This is from the blog:

Monkey See, Monkey Do? What Ben & Jerry’s Decision Means to You.

Monkey See Monkey Do Social Media Style

The famous Ice Cream makers from Vermont have taken a bold move by declaring that they shall no longer be using email marketing as a means of letting you know about their latest zany flavors. No, instead they will be utilizing those marketing dollars to concentrate on an already successful social media foray. In fact the last email invited subscribers to connect with the brand through either the Facebook or Twitter social networks. This isn’t exactly as bold as one might think, given that Ben & Jerry’s Facebook page is currently over 1.3 million “fans” strong.

Alright, go ahead and ask. What does their move to social media and away from email marketing mean for your business? A little more than nothing, but less than everything. Far too many marketers could see this move as a signal that their business should follow suite and make the jump to social media exclusivity without first questioning if what is good for Ben & Jerry’s is good for their business.

There are of course, naysayers who pretend not to notice that the times, they are a-changing, and are not open to social media at all. This is why careful inspection of marketing channels and preferred client touch points is necessary before abandoning programs that still provide a good return on investment.

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