Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sales is about Relationships- REVISED

Due to a request by the author of the article I originally posted here, I have removed it and replaced it with this excellent story from Craig Garber:

Like most business owners, when I first went into business
for myself in the 1990's, back when I was a financial
planner and knew nothing about marketing -- let alone
effective marketing -- I was obsessed with acquiring loads
of technical knowledge.

I got every certification known to man, and I subscribed to
every industry journal out there. I prided myself on the
fact that I knew how to analyze and explain, in layman's
terms, things like beta risk factors and the mechanics of a
universal versus a whole life insurance policy.

But there was only one problem. I had virtually no
prospects or clients to talk about this stuff with.

See, I was under the false impression that people cared how
much I knew. That my knowledge base was so powerful,
clients would be compelled to work with me.

I quickly (and painfully) learned, this was far from the

See, no one cares how much you know, until they know how
much you care.

And the best way to let someone know you care, is to educate
them on whatever it is you do. You almost want to think of
yourself as sort of like a "consumer advocate," if this
makes sense.

And the best way of doing this, is to offer your prospects
some kind of free information they can learn from.

So for instance, if you're an investment advisor, like I
used to be, you can offer a Special Report called, "7
Biggest Mistakes Retirees Make That Cost Them A Small
Fortune: Which One Of Them Are You Making Right Now?"

If you're a limousine service, a DVD taking someone on a
tour of your all your vehicles and explaining how you
qualify your drivers, called "How To Ride Like A King,
Without Spending A Small Fortune" would be pretty

And if you own a martial arts studio, perhaps a Free Booklet
like, "Why Children Fail," along with a DVD where you're
interviewing a number of your students, would definitely
make a very credible impression on your prospects.

And the nice thing is, each one of these information
packages not only positions you as an expert, it lets your
prospects know "how much you care," which is your goal

Also keep in mind, a concurrent goal of this "education
process" is to differentiate yourselves from your
competition. And sharing information like this, in and of
itself, is actually one of the things that's going to
differentiate you. So it's kind of like a self-propelling
system you're actually creating.

On pages 37 and 38 inside "How To Make Maximum Money With
Minimum Customers
," I give you 8 different examples of
creating these types of reports that give you the
positioning and leverage you need, to show your prospects
YOU are the one they should be working with. And I show
you how to do this in all kinds of industries -- even in
incredibly boring and mundane ones.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

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