Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Timing the Close

from Art Sobczak:

This Week's Tip:
A Question That Can Be Viewed as
Cheesy or Good, Depending On ...


Here's a technique that can be either solid,
or sound cheesy, depending upon where it's
used on a call:

"What's it going to take to get your business?"

I had a guy use this on me the other day. This
was the opening statement on a cold call.

Caller: "Hey, Art. Bill at Audio Duplicators. We
duplicate CD's and DVD's. I wondering what
it would take to get your business?"

I felt like saying, "A better salesperson," but I
was just a bit more tactful in saying "I'm not
interested," which he didn't question.

Of course, using this early begs all kinds of
comments and questions from prospects and
customers, some spoken, some not. Some
logical, some smart-alecky. All justified. For

"Why should I even consider answering the

"Who ARE you?"

"If you gave it to me for free, maybe."

"I'm satisfied with the company I'm using."

The problem with this question, used early, is
that it is much too early, and no value whatsoever
has been even hinted at yet. I had no reason to
stay on the phone with him, and he is asking ME
to explain how I would give him my business!
Come on.


Let's fast forward in a call ... one where there's
a good opening, nice qualifying and need-development
questions, a strong presentation, perhaps an
attempt to close, and the prospect hems and haws
with, "I'm just not sure."

Then, this would make more sense.

"Pat, we seem to be in agreement that this is what
you're looking for, and the price is within your budget.
What is it going to take for us to move forward?"

Here are questions I like to ask in the probing stage.
Especially when you are competing with someone
else for a piece of business.

"How, specifically, will you make your decision?"

"What decision-making criteria will you use, and
which areas will be most important to you?"

"If we are at the top in all of those areas, will we
be the one you choose?"

"If you made a decision today, where would we

"Attitudes are more important than facts"
Dr. Karl Menninger

Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!


Contact: Art Sobczak, President, Business By Phone Inc. 13254 Stevens St.,
Omaha, NE 68137,
(402) 895-9399. Or,

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