Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bigger is Better

from a recent email:

Daily Sales Tip: Asking for Bigger Orders

I know, you've heard this before, right? But how often do you actually do it? So many sales reps are afraid to ask for too much and are just happy to get a minimum order. I know because I used to be that way.

But my career turned around when I began asking for big orders on every single call. And what I learned is that you never know how much a person or company can handle. You can always go down (in price, quantity, etc.), but you can never go up.

The truth is, it's all the same amount of work anyway, so why not ask for two times, or three times the minimum order and see what you get! If only one in 10 of your prospects buys the increased amount, how much more money would that mean to you?

The fun part about consistently asking for more is that you'll end up getting more -- and every time you do, you reinforce the habit to do it.

And as soon as you get a taste of closing bigger deals, you begin looking for and expecting them. Try it and you'll see for yourself -- it's one of the simplest things you can do to make a lot more money.

Source: Sales trainer/consultant Mike Brooks (www.mrinsidesales.com)

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