Friday, August 21, 2009

Marketing is more than a Department

I've been preaching this message for years. EVERYTHING contributes or subtracts from your "marketing".

From Kyle Lacy's blog:

We Don’t DO Marketing. We ARE Marketing.

Posted by KyleLacy

Everyone is searching for that idea… that shiny object that pushes their company to the spotlight and drives a huge amount of sales.

Is it a postcard? Is it a marketing campaign using billboards and radio advertising? It could be but it is so much deeper than that.

I have seen hundreds of thousands of campaigns just being done… just being manufactured. Many marketing directors or owners of small businesses are just doing marketing. There isn’t a strategy involved… There isn’t a goal in mind… It is just being done because well..

Marketing needs to be done in order to grow your business. At least that is what they say.

I am going to encourage you to think differently when envisioning the marketing of your company. Marketing is not another item on your to-do list. It is not another SOMETHING that needs to be done at the end of every month.

You ARE the marketing of your company. Marketing is involved in every facet from the employees to the brochures being sent on to potential clients.

We are no longer in a world where you can just DO marketing and get away with it. People are craving and buying from companies that believe and ARE their marketing material. They believe in the marketing message with every fiber of their being… They are the mission statement.. They live the vision statement.

Next time you are discussing a marketing campaign with your company… your employees.. ask them:

“How can we stop just “doing” marketing and become the marketing. We all love this company and we want to see it succeed. Let’s do it together.”

I think you will be pleasantly surprised what happens next.

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