Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Passion Builds Trust

I've discovered this in my business. Jeff Garrison wrote this recently on his blog:

Passionate Expression and Credibility in Sales

Posted: 16 Jul 2009 04:17 PM PDT

Pete I have a friend from high school that lives in Colorado. He has been selling materials such as webbing and buckles to outdoor clothing and equipment manufacturers for years. If I was ever in the market for materials like that, I would call Pete. Not because he is one of my oldest friends, but because I doubt that there is anyone more passionate about that particular business and those particular products than him.

Because of his passion, I have no doubt that Pete has pursued the knowledge and gained the experience that he needs to make expert recommendations to his clients.

If you are passionate about your company and the products and services that you sell, don't hide it. Let it come across in your voice, your facial expression, and your body language. Your energy will impact those to whom you are speaking and they will perceive you to me more credible. They will be more open to your recommendations and they will recommend you to others.

If you are not passionate about your company and the products and services that you sell, you are missing out on the fun that comes from talking about what should be some of your favorite things.

How has your passion enhanced your credibility? How has your passion increased your sales?

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