Saturday, October 04, 2008

Attitude Adjustment

Some sales training advice from Art Sobczak:

This Week's Tip:
Do You Need an Attitude Bailout?


Lots of negativity going on right now.

The stock market tanked. Biggest drop ever.
The bailout plan was rejected. Listen to some people
in the media and you'd think life will cease to exist.

I'm a news junkie, but I actually quit watching, reading,
and listening for a while. I don't need the poisonous
thinking. My stock holdings are worth a LOT less today
than yesterday. Can't do anything about that. One thing
I do know: They always go back up.

And oh, the sun came up brilliantly here in Arizona this
morning. I noticed stores were still open. The gym was
too. So the first thing I did was control the one thing I
have total control over: My attitude. I suggest you do
the same.

As I have long preached, most everything you accomplish
in life and sales is due to how you feel.

Many people are in a perpetual negativity cycle. They
look at everything through a mud-covered filter, and their
actions and lives follow suit.

Others, probably the people you know who are the most
successful...the doers, the movers, the producers, the
people who make things happen...those are the ones who
control what they can and aren't affected by negative
thinking. Hopefully you are in that group.

I'm doing two things for you today to contribute to your
positive attitude, if you will allow it.

First, I'm sharing some ideas below from my friend,
Dr. Allan Zimmerman, about positive attitude.

And, I've also put together a special "Attitude Bailout
Incentive Package," which is an audio seminar Dr.
Zimmerman did with me for members of my Telesales
Success Inner Circle. You can see this at

Here are a few of Alan Zimmerman's suggestions on
being enthusiastic, which is one component of a
positive attitude.

1. Do Not Catch the Other Person's Disease
This refers to the negative thoughts and words of others
around you, and the media. Stay away from the people
you know will pull you down with their whining and
complaining. Turn the TV. Read something inspirational,
or listen to motivational recordings.

2. Say Something Positive to Everyone
When you speak positively to others, you brighten
up their day, and you can't help but feel better about
yourself. (Of course, with some negative folks, you
will have to work at this.)

3. Practice Positive Expectations
If you are not getting what you want, perhaps your
expectations are too low. In Dr. Zimmerman's book,
"Pivot-How One Turn in Attitude Can Lead to Success,"
he quotes Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who said,
"There is another kind of poverty-one most people
never think about-and it's the poverty of expectations."

When you expect good things to happen, they seem
to take place, not due to some cosmic magic, but
because you are LOOKING for the good things, and
you tend to MAKE them happen.

4.Use the Positive "But"
In Dr. Zimmerman's Peak Performance Boot Camps
he has participants to draw a line down the center of a
piece of paper. On the top left side they write Problems,
and on the right, Blessings. For every Problem,
he has them counter it with a Blessing. For example,
"I lost a big sale, BUT I learned why and will be able
to prevent that same thing from happening." "I am
overweight, BUT I am healthy enough to get on an
exercise program and do something about it."

5. Find a Reason to Celebrate
No matter how gloomy a situation is, if you look for
it, you can find a reason to celebrate. Dr. Ira Greenberg,
head of the Behavioral Studies Institute, urges people
to succeed at something every day. He said, "Each day,
do something you can be proud of. Each night take
pleasure in remembering it."

For those who have been through my training or books,
you know that we always have a Secondary Objective
on calls, something we can accomplish regardless of
whether or not we accomplish the Primary Objective.

6. Do it Now
It's tough to consistently feel good about yourself if
you let your ideas pass, or you put them on hold.
Conversely, it's difficult to feel down or depressed when
you are in action, working toward some goal. What is it
that you always wanted, but never have started moving
toward? What's stopping you other than you? Do it now!

Alan Zimmerman is truly one of the leaders today in
maximizing peak performance and attitude. I regularly
re-read his book, "Pivot," and listen to the audio
seminar he did for my members. I want you to enjoy
the benefits and results of his words as well. That's
why, until this Friday at 5 p.m., I offering this audio
seminar at HALF of the regular investment.

Regularly, it's $59. Until Friday, just $29. And,
you can download it right now, along with the file of
the written transcript. You can see complete details,
hear a sample, and order at


Quote of the Week

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best
out of the way things turn out."

Art Linkletter

Go and have your best week ever!


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