Thursday, August 07, 2008

Sales Training for The Women

From the outside, I fit the traditional demographics of a typical business person. White male with 20 years experience in my field. If you are unlike me, not white, or not male, or with little or no experience, don't worry, there are plenty of opportunities to learn from people in your situation who have already done it successfully.

(And even if you fit the profile of the typical business person I described, there are plenty of opportunities to continue to learn and improve.)

For the females reading this, take a look at this from Jill Konrath:

Attention Women in Sales!

08salesshebang1_3 Mark your calendars right now for the upcoming
Sales SheBang 2008 conference being held
September 23-24th in Minneapolis.

This unique event brings together the savviest
saleswomen from all over North America.

Download SalesSheBang-2008.pdf

At Sales SheBang 2008, you'll have a chance to learn from the world's top female sales experts. Don't miss this chance to expand your expertise, gain invaluable insights, grow your network and be inspired by like-minded women.

(GUYS: Your job? Spread the word to all the savvy saleswomen in your life!)

Sphere: Related Content

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