Sunday, March 16, 2008

Those Darn Kids....

One of the services that EPM Communications provides is regular emails featuring fast facts. Here's one that covers Youth Marketing:

Volume 2 Issue 3
March 12, 2008


40% of teens say they download music illegally because "rock stars don't need the money," finds Microsoft.


Students in grades 1-8 are more than twice as likely to say they want to be the President today than those asked the same question in 2006 (45% vs. 19%), according to Scholastic.


16% of 12-17 year olds have listened to a podcast, the same percentage as those aged 45-54, say Arbitron and Edison Media Research.


Most children (64%) lived with one or two siblings in 2004, 5% lived with four or more, according to U.S. Census figures.


31% of teens have never had a conversation with their parents about costs related to driving, including car payments, insurance and gas expenses, says USAA Educational Foundation.

Youth Markets Alert (YMA) identifies the latest trends among U.S. children, tweens and teens. Download a free sample issue to discover how twice-monthly case studies, research, contacts, and industry sector analysis connect you with young Americans' $200 billion in spending power.

YMA Datafile Info:
Editor: Larissa Faw
Publisher: Ira Mayer

YMA Datafile is an EPM Communications, Inc. service.
(c)Copyright 2008 EPM Communications, Inc.

160 Mercer Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10012 | P: (212) 941-0099 | F: (212) 941-1622

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