Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Negative Influence

With the scare of lead in and on our kids toys that were imported from China, it put a damper on many kids Christmases and on Hasbro and Mattels bottom line.

Last week we were not allowed to eat tomatoes due to a food scare. Just what effect does this negative influence have on consumer behavior with what we eat?

What Are We Afraid To Eat?

Stopped eating a particular food, temporarily or permanently, as a result of a recent recall, 57%

Believe the number of food-related recalls has increased in the past year, 73%

More concerned about the foods they eat than they were five years ago, 76%

Most concerned by beef recalls, 78%

Most concerned by chicken recalls, 67%

Most concerned by recalls of fresh fruit/vegetables, 53%

Most concerned by recalls of dairy products, 53%

Think imported foods are "not at all" or only "somewhat" safe, 56%

Believe domestically produced foods are safe, 80%

Think fresh fish is "not at all" or "somewhat" safe, 33%

Would like to see food stores sell more fruits/vegetables that come from local farms, 89%

Source: Deloitte

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