Monday, June 16, 2008

The Marketing Power of Your Website

Here's some excellent insight on how your website affects your in-store sales:

Online Search Translates to In-Store Sales

Michele Miller.jpgBy Michele Miller, Wizard Partner
And along with Holly Buchanan, co-author of The Soccer Mom Myth

"In the mind of the customer, your online impression IS your image... and 34% of money spent at retail locations can be attributed to an online search"

In The Soccer Mom Myth, we talk a lot about how important it is to have a website that doesn’t just look nice, it persuades visitors to become actual clients or customers. Many people avoid the topic, saying, “I don’t sell anything online, so my website is just fine.”

Au contraire, my friend. While you may not have ecommerce online, your website affects your business
more than you know.

New studies are being released that show the impact online search has in offline shopping. ROI Research has just released a report on their findings, and it’s eye opening:

» Search accounts for 49% of online purchases, and 42% of retail purchases

» For every $1 dollar spent online, the average search-user spends $2.56 offline

» For online purchasers, 48% of money spent online and 34% of money spent at retail locations can be attributed to an online search

Are you losing out on potential sales in your place of business because you’re not easily found on the Internet? And if visitors find your site, is it giving the impression and information they’re looking for?

In the mind of the customer, your online impression IS your image.
Here’s what she might be thinking:

"Is the website difficult to find in a search? Then the store must be also hard to find - let’s save some gas and try the competitor."
"Do I find the website to be informative and pleasant to explore, or is it a jumble of words and pictures, like a second-hand shop? The competitor’s website really speaks to me. Yes, it’s a 20 minute drive but it will be worth it."

The virtual brand of every business will only become more critical with each day that passes.
Have you given thought about your own virtual brand?

The Soccer Mom Myth, Meet the Authors.

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