Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another Way to Use Email

from an email I get every day:

Daily Sales Tip: Providing Helpful Information

Mix email into your customer follow-up rotation. For example, email an article relevant to the business issue your prospect is trying to address, and in that email, try NOT selling your product.

You've heard the old adage about not discussing business on the golf course? It applies here as well. If you write your email with the sincere intent of providing helpful information, it will come across that way to your prospect. The rapport you are establishing will be strengthened and your prospect will be much more receptive to taking your future calls.

Keep in mind that your competition is likely taking the easy route and only asking to "get your order today." Although this old-school "ABC: always be closing" approach used to be the norm in sales, today this tends to turn off buyers.

Of course, don't let being helpful prevent you from being effective at your profession. Another old adage may apply: "Nice guys finish last." It's all a matter of balance.

Source: Patrick Fern, Senior Sales Advisor for Landslide Technologies

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