Thursday, June 03, 2010

11 ways to sell

From Craig Garber:

Whenever you're selling something, for the most part, you
need to sell the end benefits or results, or the
experience. Rarely does anyone find inherent value in the
product itself.

That's why, commercials for even extremely popular products
like the iPhone, talk about all the apps available and the
incredible experience these features give you. You never
hear anyone talking about the product itself as the benefit
-- because that's NOT the benefit and it's not the reason
why people buy.

So with that in mind, here are 11 different appeals you
should be using to capture your prospects attention and
increase your sales.

1. Eliminate pain - including both physical and emotional

2. Burning flab - which could easily be included in the last

3. Eliminate worry - which comes in a multitude of versions

4. Eliminate money worries - perhaps the strongest appeal in
the 'eliminate worry' category

5. Avoid embarrassment - which is also sometimes a
sub-appeal of 'eliminating money worries,' but can be used
in social and psychosocial situations as well

6. Save money - usually related to a specific chore,
process or product that is often used

7. More leisure time - everyone wants this, for sure

8. Safety - in today's crazy world, people need to feel
more safe in LOADS of different situations, and they're
more than prepared to pay for this

9. Short-cuts - if you can save someone time and energy in
something they do, you've got a great appeal

10. Desire to be popular - this goes from being liked at
work, to not being single, and loads of other places in

11. Advancing and getting ahead - go-getters take action
when they know there's something in it for them

There is virtually nothing you might sell, that wouldn't
allow you to use more than one of these appeals... as long as
you're paying attention to what you're buyers really want.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

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