Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Reaching Goals

A different perspective on training from Jill Konrath who is hosting the second day of the second annual SalesSheBang today:

You've Reached Your Fitness Goal - Now What?

Whether you have a goal to lose 20, 30, 50 or plus pounds what happens once you reach that goal?

  • Are you done?
  • Can you go back to living the way you did in the past, eating anything that crosses your path?
  • Can you plop on the coach and go back to “coach potato” mode?
Absolutely not. Obviously, I’m a big proponent of wellness programs because of the vitality it offers your mind, body, and spirit, but I’m also in the business of offering truth!

If you could look at overall wellness including your fitness and nutritional programs as a way of life instead of just a goal to reach then you’re less likely to fall back into your old habits and unhealthy routines. I believe that you will actually start to enjoy living a lifestyle that offers vitality each and every day.

Think of practicing your wellness habits just like any other positive habit that you do daily such as brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Practice daily to create the proper routine that fits your goals and lifestyle, eventually, healthy choices will become an “auto-pilot” type of routine.

When things shift and become hardwired in the heart and mind, you may notice a change in people you hang out with, the books you read, the articles that strike your interest, healthy foods that you now crave, feelings of major self-worth, and a level of accomplishment. This message is important so don’t blow it off.

Your initial weight loss became a journey that encompasses so much more that what you intended to set out to do…lose weight.

The message is bigger; one that offers a new understanding in areas where you lack will power and in areas where you dominate. It’s key to journal your findings as this positive, empowering feedback is not only something that you deserve, but it offers a foundational motivation tool whenever you feel the urge to go back to your old ways.

Trust me, the urge will always be there, it’s whether or not you acknowledge them as this will make a difference in your continued wellness goal success.

Another great tool and success tip to keeping off your weight is to take a mental note on a regular basis of why you lost the weight in the first place. Usually, this trigger point is valuable enough to keep the weight not only lost, but gone forever. The extra fat didn’t serve you then and it won’t serve you now.


WENDIE PETT is a mother and fitness expert, the author of Every Woman’s Guide to Personal Power and co-author of The Miracle Seven. She trains people individually and conducts seminars to corporate groups to help teach others how to maximize their wellness through the balance of mind, body, and spirit. For more information on Wendie visit

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