Sunday, August 10, 2008

SalesDog Sunday Tip 7

Here's this weeks tip:

Preparation Equals Negotiation Success
Colleen Francis on Negotiating

Going into a negotiation can sometimes feel like entering a battlefield. Great negotiators know that it pays to come to the table well prepared. Here are nine areas you need to address to be successful.

Mediocre salespeople are notoriously bad planners. It can be said that they habitually "play" more than they "practice." They go into most sales interactions unprepared, thinking they can "wing it" and negotiate "off the cuff." Top negotiators know differently. Top performers know that in order to successfully negotiate with clients they must plan carefully or risk being left vulnerable. Without proper strategy, your opponents will use your lack of preparedness to their advantage. In other words, you are likely to give up more than you intended because you didn't have a plan.

Here are nine areas of planning to consider before you start a negotiation with a client. Continue

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