Friday, May 09, 2008

Pain or Promise?

I met Wayne Ens a few years ago when he did a seminar on behalf of our radio stations. Once a week he sends out an email and this has some great insight for anyone in sales:

Why Obama Has Raised More Money than Clinton

There really are only two motivators in life and in buying decisions….fear of loss or hope of gain.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign clearly focuses on solving problems and minimizing pain while Barrack Obama clearly focuses on selling hope and a brighter future.

While Clinton offers the ‘experience’ to solve problems, Obama holds the torch for a new and brighter future seldom talked about by traditional politicians who focus on solving problems.

It remains to be seen which strategy will win, but it is interesting to note that a recently ‘unknown’ has been able to raise considerably more funds than the established Clinton.

Those of us in sales need to recognize that both ends of the scale, fear and euphoria, hold opportunities for us as well.

Most solution-oriented sales training or traditional consultative selling often focuses only on the pain side of the questioning continuum.

The moniker of some of these courses is; “When the price of the pain exceeds the cost of your cure, you have a sale.” While this is true, it is a mistake to under-estimate how much wider the purse strings open when your presentation appeals to advertisers’ visions, hopes and dreams, rather than focusing on solutions to short-term problems.

Wayne Ens

ENSMedia Inc.


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