Friday, February 15, 2008

Subway is sticking with a winner

Too often we see companies change their advertising campaigns just to "freshin' things up a bit". And what happens is they lose their identity. (Can you imagine the Golden Arches of McDonald's becoming the Purple Arches? Or grown men wearing the red Wendy's wig? Oops, never mind.)

It's hard to believe that it was ten years ago when Jared became the Subway spokesperson. Subway has been riding that train for awhile with a few detours, but as long as they stick with Jared, and he sticks with them, it's a winning combination.

Here's the latest from Mediapost:

Subway Spokesman Jared Taking A 10-Year Victory Tour

Jared Fogle--who has been the Subway's main pitchman since he lost 245 pounds in 1998 by eating Subway sandwiches and exercising--is hitting the road on a 12-city tour to promote a new childhood obesity-prevention plan. The Three-Point Plan offers funding for school nutrition and fitness programs and gives parents the tools to make healthy foods choices for their children. Subway plans to raise $2 million through donations and fund-raising efforts. The six-month journey--called "Tour de Pants"--will make stops at the South Beach Food and Wine Festival, NASCAR events and American Heart Association walks. People can take pictures of Fogle with his "fat pants," collect an Upper Deck Fogle trading card and obtain tips for healthy eating when dining out. The campaign includes a sweepstakes at for a chance to appear in a taping of a Subway commercial with Fogle. - Read the whole story...

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