Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Selling with Email?

These days, we need to use any and all available tools to reach our prospects. SalesDog.com has some tips on using email:

Tips For Selling with Email
by Michael Dalton Johnson
Email is a very powerful sales and business growth tool. To increase your sales, the ability to write effective emails is critically important. Here are a few basic tips to help you send out email that will interest your prospects.

Get to the point. Make sure the first paragraph of your business email gives the recipient a clear picture of what your communication is all about. Don't waste time with a long winded opening. No one is interested in your company's history or mission statement.

Show them the money. Include the biggest benefit to the buyer in your all important opening paragraph.

Keep it easy to understand. Do not assume that everyone knows your industry's jargon. Dump it. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms. Never use all caps for a word or phrase to emphasize its importance.

The human eye is repelled by a sea of type. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short. Your message should be crystal clear, complete, accurate and brief. Most people get deluged with spam and unsolicited email everyday. To get yours read, keep it short and to the point.

Never begin an email with "My name is..." No one opening your email is the least interested in your name. They are interested in why you have emailed them. They will learn your name when they reach the bottom of the text.

Personalize. It is important to use the recipient's name in the salutation. I prefer less formal greetings such as Hello Susan or Hi John. However, there may be times when a more formal salutation is appropriate.

Avoid rhetorical questions. Asking such questions as, “Do you want to save 50 percent on your printing costs?" is too salesy.

Give them a reason to act. Close with a strong rationale for the action you want the recipient to take.

Signing off. Your email represents you and your organization and should always include your name, address, city and state, zip code, phone, fax and email address. This makes you and your company look professional, legitimate and accessible.

Note: SalesDog's business partner, Kendra Lee, has a comprehensive audio program with workbook on how to successfully prospect and sell with email. I like it because she includes tested subject lines that get high opening rates and actual copies of email messages that have brought in big sales. You can see it here.

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