Saturday, June 12, 2010

7 Tips

from my email:

Daily Sales Tip: Being Responsive

You can't succeed in sales without being responsive to the needs of your prospects and customers. The only way to know what they want is to listen effectively.

Here are seven ideas which will help you to improve your listening skills:

1. Ask questions. Then try to be quiet and let customers get their entire point across before you say anything.

2. Pay attention. Force yourself to tune out distractions and concentrate on the customer.

3. Listen for clues to uncover hidden needs.

4. Use more questions to bring hidden needs out into the open.

5. Don't counterattack if your prospect gets angry. Keep your cool and hear him or her out.

6. Look at your prospect. Pay attention to body language to pick up on buying signals.

7. Use feedback. Repeat what you've just heard to confirm accuracy and prevent misunderstandings.

Source: Adapted from The Five Paths to Persuasion, by Robert B. Miller and Stephen E. Heiman

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