Saturday, February 13, 2010


from my email:

Daily Sales Tip: Companies Are Leaner

This has been an ongoing factor for many years with continual downsizing and cutbacks. However, the recession forced many companies to scale back even further than they normally would have. This has resulted in an extremely lean workforce.

What does that mean for salespeople?

It means people are stretched even further and busier than ever before. It means it will become even more difficult to connect with decision-makers. It means projects will be put on hold because people will be too busy to implement them. It means you need to find a way to help your customers deal with this.

Make your solutions easier. Assist with the implementation. This also means respecting their time when you meet. If you have sixty minutes allotted for your meeting but you can wrap it up in forty-five, then do so. Your customer will appreciate it and it will help you stand out from the crowd.

Source: Sales consultant/author Kelley Robertson (

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