Wednesday, February 10, 2010

After the Networking Event

Do this, (from

If you meet someone at a networking event, make sure you follow up. So many people go to an event only to take a stack of business cards and pile them in a drawer or on their desk. The biggest key in making networking successful for you is following up. Make sure you do so.

Create a follow up process that supports what you say about yourself in your elevator pitch. If you don’t have a follow up process in place for your station or group, get out a piece of paper and map out what it should be. It doesn’t have to be complicated, but should show timing and materials such as brochures that you have to follow up with people. Also, follow up with people in a way that they ask to be communicated with. If someone prefers email, have an email process. Make sure you have note cards matching your brand identity, a signature in your email, and a phone message scripted out… all with the same wording so that your brand is seamless. This will make the follow up process easier.

Create your own system that works best for your style and schedule… especially when you’re not sure how someone would prefer to be contacted. Some folks follow up with people with hand-written notes. If they see something that might find of interest to their new contact, they send it to them. An example of this is a magazine article. If that doesn’t work for you, perhaps sending emails or calling someone is a better option.

Take a day every few months to go through your contact list and just check in with people that you haven’t talked to in a while. Doing this also ensures that you’re keeping the database updated. Many people move around and change positions. The key is you must be genuine in all that you do and follow up in a way that supports who you and your company offer.

It can take weeks, months, or even years to sell someone on your station or group. This is tough when we live in a society of instant gratification. When that person or company has a need, you will be top of mind because you continued to follow up. Or, if they don’t have a need, they may become one of your raving fans that will recommend you in a heartbeat. You also need great contacts that can make recommendations to you when you have a product or service that you need. Keep this in mind when you’re nurturing the relationships you’ve established through networking.

If nothing else, your new contact can become a great friend that provides invaluable feedback. Embrace a relationship for what it is meant to be and cultivate it. You never know when the opportunity will come up for you to work with that person closely. Having that relationship in place ahead of time will go a long way.

-- Lauren L. Darr is President of LOI International, a strategic, visioning marketing firm specializing in the broadcast industry. She has more than twenty years marketing experience with over fifteen of those devoted to broadcast. Lauren has been named as a “Woman to Watch” and as one of the “Women Who RULE” in sales and marketing by the American Women in Radio and Television.

Lauren has a passion for technology that changes out world. She is the author of the anthology book, “The Official LOI International 2010-2012 Media Outlook Book” with a publish date of April 2010 ( In the book, she interviews over twenty experts from all facets of media.

You can reach Lauren at or visit the website at

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