Saturday, June 13, 2009

What NOT to say...

From Craig Garber:

Many people hear things like "if you want to get your
prospect's attention, then talk about the things they are
talking about right now."

This goes way back to Robert Collier's comments on "entering
the conversation your prospect is currently having inside
their heads."

The problem is, most people do this all wrong.

So for example, the most obvious thing people are talking
about nowadays is how the recession is impacting your
business or how the recession is preventing you from making
your house payments or whatever.

But merely saying this alone is like running an ad that says
you're a veterinarian and you take care of pets. It's not
going to make anyone do anything.

See, when you're towing the current event party line, what
you really want to talk about is how you're solving your
prospect's problems that've developed as a result of
whatever current event you're mentioning.

So you want to talk about the frustrations they're having
because things are getting tight... you want to talk about
how sad it is Americans across the country are living in
fear over not being able to pay their bills and stay
current on things... about how uncertain things are and not
knowing what to do based on what the government's telling

Tap into your prospects fears and into what's keeping them
lying in bed awake at night. Talk about things that touch
their heart and soul -- not things that just skim the
surface of their skin.

It'll make a big difference to your prospects -- and to your

Now go sell something, Craig

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