Monday, March 16, 2009

Activity or Results

During the week I get around 100 or more emails a day that are not spam. (My spam filter catches about 100 a day too).

So if you want to reach me, you better do something that gets my attention. Like call me on the phone along with the email message. And if you don't get a response, try again and again. It's not that we are being rude, we are just plain busy and have to prioritize every minute and that means sometimes, one call or one email from someone I don't know may end up on the bottom of the pile.

Barry Labov wrote about this last week:

"Well, I left a message"

We need to grow business, it's tough out there. We all know that. That's why we reach out to prospective customers.

Do you really want to grow business? If so, do yourself a favor and analyze where your customers came from and how you got them.

Most will come from referrals, very probably.

Look at the success stories you've had and how long and how often you talked with that person until they became a full fledged customer. Was it after one phone call? Was it within a week or two of meeting them? Probably not. Did they initially return your message? Or did you have to pursue them?

I just met with a Fortune 500 prospect that we may end up working with. I began talking with the gentleman six months ago. We've spoken dozens of times. I've gotten to know him. He's helped guide me on how to break through and get inside their company. By the time we met in-person for the first time just recently, I felt he was an old friend.
If we want to grow business--I mean really want to, the excuse "well, I left a message" is not enough, it will require numerous follow-ups just to have a chance to materialize.

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