Sunday, August 08, 2010

Less is More

from Seth Godin:

But you're not saying anything

Forests-at-risk09 And this is the problem with just about every lame speech, every overlooked memo, every worthless bit of boilerplate foisted on the world: you write and write and talk and talk and bullet and bullet but no, you're not really saying anything.

It took me two minutes to find a million examples. Here's one, "The firm will remain competitive in the constantly changing market for defense legal services by creating and implementing innovative and effective methods of providing cost-effective, quality representation and services for our clients."

Write nothing instead. It's shorter.

Most people work hard to find artful ways to say very little. Instead of polishing that turd, why not work harder to think of something remarkable or important to say in the first place?

I've been flirting with the idea of posting less on this blog. A couple of years ago, I was doing 5 and 6 updates a day, then I trimmed it down to 4. Recently I played around with 3 a day.

Now most people would find that number overwhelming, but since the purpose of this blog is to share what others write, "Collective Wisdom", it's not as difficult as it might seem.

I start each day with a sales training tip, which I'll continue, but the other two updates at noon and 6pm are focused on Advertising, Marketing, and the Creative Process.

I'll also be updating the format of this blog before the year is up.

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