Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm not sure I agree that this is always the best advice:

Daily Sales Tip: Create a Sense of Urgency

Many sales prospects who fail to show signs of interest don't see their own needs yet. They can quickly become ready to buy if salespeople can show them an urgent need exists.

Salespeople can create a sense of urgency and motivate reluctant buyers to take action sooner by:

1. Pointing out that an opportunity will be lost.

Focus on the importance of timing for the buying decision. Use hard numbers to support claims, such as money saved by correcting the problem or money lost by delaying a purchasing decision.

2. Appealing to the buyer's need to feel current in his or her industry.

Show how putting off a decision leaves the company vulnerable to emerging trends or savvy competitors.

3. Helping buyers visualize the situation.

If they see how easily a problem can be corrected or avoided, prospects are more likely to cut their time frame.

Source: Sales consultant/trainer Dianna Booher (

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