Thursday, April 02, 2009


Wrapping up our 3 days series of sales training emails from Craig:

Hi Scott,

Today I want to go over the third step in the 3-step
formula to constructing your sales conversation with your

The first two steps, which we covered already are:
educate... and inform... and today the final step we'll
talk about is "entertain."

First of all, why do you want to entertain your prospect?
After all, you're not a comedian or an actor, and they
haven't paid money to see you perform, right?

Well... that's true. Bug when I say entertain, I don't
mean entertain as in "stand up comedy routine" entertain.
I mean entertain as in "engage your prospect in a positive
and enthusiastic manner."

Meaning, you want to put a smile across your prospect's
face. You want to be the bright ray of sunshine in their

See, when people feel good about the energy coming out of
you, they are relaxed and very receptive to what you have
to say. And they feel good about you, which is the most
important thing, when you're trying to sell something.

After all, could you imagine buying something from
someone you don't feel good about?

No way, right?

So, how do you entertain your prospects?

Well, today I'm going to tell you how to NOT entertain
them, first. And then in my next tip I'll show you how to
actually entertain.

You don't entertain them by being funny. And there are
two reasons for this:

One, what you think is funny may be irrelevant or even in
bad taste to your prospect. And two, when it comes to
money, people are dead serious about opening up their

You want to be taken seriously and meaningfully. You
want to have value. People aren't usually cracking up over
jokes when they're making buying decisions, now are they?

Most of the time I see people trying to use humor and
it's all wrong. They're cracking jokes, not creating a

Save your jokes for your friends, but be dead serious
with your prospects.

Like I said, next time we'll cover how to entertain. But
for today, just...

Go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S.: Only Five Days Left to get your hands on this
month's issue of Seductive Selling and this month's Audio
Success CD, where a niche marketer from the UK reveals how
he entered his niche and how he's worked his way to the top
of the market in it, in this 78-minute interview! Get your
FREE copy at

Bring it, baby... bring it!


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