Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sales Words

Day 3 of a series of articles from

sales words series: how to communicate better

We get paid to make contact and bring in sales. Woven through the process is our ability to effectively communicate through words (spoken and written).

We should take our use of them seriously.

From April through October of this year, we provided an important series on improving our use of words.

Outside the money hours, we hope you'll invest some time with...

Relative words (they're based on perception: expensive to Bill Gates is likely different than your expensive.)

Absolute words (they're definitive: always is not 3 of 4 times, it's every single time)

Trite words (cheap talk you need to avoid... please... for all of us)

Misused words and phrases (keep from sounding less intelligent)

Intensifiers (minimize these over-used words)

Verbal tics (bad habit words such as "um" and "like")

Buzzwords (dictionary has them as: often of little meaning used chiefly to impress... hmmmm)

Sphere: Related Content

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