Saturday, March 08, 2008

Why do Spammers Spam?

In 12 hours from 11pm to 11am, G-mail filtered out 95 spam emails I received. That's one of the reasons I switched to G-mail, because of their superior Spam filtering compared to Yahoo's mail which I used for years.

G-mail also has an automatic spam delete feature, where they'll dump any messages that are more than 30 days old. So I'm going to conduct a 30 day experiment to see how much spam I get. I did this experiment a few months ago and had over 2000 messages in my spam folder, we'll see what happens now.

The reason spammers do it, is because there are enough people stupid enough to fall for the scams and phishing attempts, and the risk to the spammers is small.

Please do not use spam tactics in your marketing. Invite people to do business with you by using permission based marketing methods. Remember successful marketing is built on creating positive relationships with people, not annoying people.

Anthony Juliano (That's his picture below), wrote about texting vs. email this week on his SoundBite Back blog. Check it out by clicking here.

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