Friday, March 07, 2008

Political Marketing 2008

I'm not going to get political on this website. However there's an important marketing mistake being made right now.

The Republicans can take their money and spend it to promote their platform and their candidate. John McCain can focus on November 4, 2008.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are tearing each other apart. They should stop and focus on November too. Most Democrats would be happy with either candidate. More state primaries are coming and voters will decide, but if they continue to battle each other, they are wasting money dividing their own party, instead of focusing on winning the big election.

Look at how this applies to your business. Are you doing battle with someone that you could actually partner up with instead? We have done joint projects with other media outlets (television stations) and a business newspaper that benefit all of us. What can you do to promote your industry? Perhaps a buy local campaign? Perhaps a reciprocal couponing venture? The ideas are out there.

The following cartoon was published a few hundred years ago by a wise man known as Ben Franklin:

Sphere: Related Content

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