Thursday, March 06, 2008

Why do advertisers still spend money on Newspaper

I believe it is mostly tradition. It also has to do with what's working. If you spend a significant portion of your advertising dollars on Newspaper advertising, then I hope the people you want to reach are still reading the newspaper and seeing your ad.

If you are trying to reach the folks that no longer (or never were) regular newspaper readers, than simply don't do it.

I'm not really picking on the newspaper business, I'm just looking at the research of the past and present, combined with future trends.

By the way, if you sell newspaper advertising, then the page you should be charging a premium is the obit page and the page facing the obits. Want to double that income potential? Split the obits on two pages starting with an odd, then an even number page. Now you have 4 pages that you can sell for top dollar.

Right now the most expensive is usually page 3A. If you want to reach the traditional heavy newspaper advertiser that is typically age 50 plus, then do what I am suggesting. Right now it will cost you less per inch and you'll get repeat exposure!

But like I started to say, the newspaper business as we know it is dying off. Here's a report that shows why:

Fully two-thirds of Americans - 67% - say traditional journalism is out of touch with what they want from news, and for nearly half of Americans the internet is now the top source of news, according to a new We Media/Zogby Interactive online survey.


Just 7% of those age 18-29 said they get most of their news from newspapers, while more than twice as many (17%) of those age 65+ list newspapers as their top source of news and information.

Read the full report at

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