Friday, April 30, 2010

5 Cold Call Mistakes in 1 Phone Call

Art Sobczak presents today's lesson:

This Week's Tip:
A Case Study of a Dumb Cold Call


Hard to believe a salesperson could make so many
mistakes in a short period of time, using so few words.

But it happened. I'll explain in detail.

I overheard Steve, my marketing guy, who also answers the
phone in my office, talking to the caller:

"Well, that would be Art. I'll transfer you."

He put the call on hold and said to me, "Some guy
wants to talk to someone about Internet marketing.
He's being pretty evasive though. Might want to turn
your recorder on for this one."

Sounded like it might be good material for this

"Hi, this is Art."

"Doug? Did you say Doug?"

What a great first impression this guy was making. (I
almost laughed out loud, being reminded of the movie
"Multiplicity," where Michael Keaton WAS Doug, but
the mutant clone kept calling him "Steve.")

"No, this is Art."

"Oh, uh, yeah, hi Art. I'm _____ with (I didn't write down
or remember the company name.) I just wanted to touch
base to see how your Internet marketing was going."

"It is going just fantastic."

"Oh, good. Tell me what you're doing there."

"Look, I'm busy (isn't everyone?) and not interested."

End of call.

Wow. Let's examine how this guy never had a chance.

Mistake 1: Not Getting a Name
He didn't even get my name, therefore the comical
"Doug" scenario, which blew him out of the water three
seconds into the call.

He could have simply started out by initially
identifying himself and his company to Steve, and then
asking, "I hope you can help me... what is the name
of the person there who is responsible for your
Internet marketing."

Mistake 2: Being Evasive.
Do some salespeople not realize that the person who
answers the phone for decision makers actually TALKS
to the decision maker before transferring the call?

Based only on what Steve told me before I
picked up the phone, I for the most part knew that
this caller had zero chance of success--except for
the basis for an article like this one.

Callers must be prepared to work with the personnel
who are closest to our buyers, gain their trust, and
discuss value where appropriate.

What do assistants, screeners, office managers and
others say about you?

Mistake 3: Not Getting Smart Call Intelligence or
Doing Homework

Again, because of Mistakes 2 and 3, he didn't ask any
questions of Steve. Hmm, let's see, call me crazy,
but it seems that if you're selling some type of Internet
marketing, it would make sense that if you visited someone's
website, and found out what type of Internet marketing
they do now, then you would be much better prepared to
put together a nice opening, and ask intelligent questions.

So, after asking for the decision maker's name, it's quite
simple to say, "Great, so I can be sure that what I'm calling
about has value for the boss, I'd like to ask a couple of
questions. Please tell me ..."

Mistake 4: Horrible Opening Statement
To review,

"Oh, uh, yeah, hi Art. I'm _____ with ______.
I just wanted to touch base to see how your Internet
marketing was going."

Come on now, read this again, and think about how
absurd that question is. What in the world does he
expect people to say?

"Oh, my Internet marketing isn't going well at all. I'm
glad you called. I bet you can help me."


There are two purposes for the opening:

- put them in a positive, receptive, frame of mind,
by mentioning an item of interest ... a possible
result or benefit you might be able to deliver, and,

- move to the questioning phase of the call. BUT, the
first objective must be established.

Mistake 5: Asking Questions When They Don't See
A Reason to Answer

Again, as part of Mistake 4, if we don't put them in
a positive frame of mind, but then jump into questions,
they don't have a good reason to answer, therefore the
call goes down in flames.

So short of a call, but yet so many opportunities to
screw up. And this guy hit most of them. Sadly, I see
this all of the time.

Worse, he probably believes that prospecting for him
is "just a numbers game." Make so many calls, and you're
that much closer to getting a yes. Actually, he's that much
closer to getting another no, and he's getting really good at
making bad calls.

If you place prospecting calls, analyze each of these mistakes
to be sure they're not part of your calls, and practice the right
methods, the Smart Calling way instead.

And by the way, these are just some of the call-killing mistakes
made on dumb cold calls that I cover in my new book,
"Smart Calling-Elminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling."
Of course, we cover, in-depth, what TO DO instead.

We're still offering over $450 worth of free bonuses to purchasers. See
complete information, including a video of more opening mistakes at

Contact: Art Sobczak, President, Business By Phone Inc. 13254 Stevens St.,
Omaha, NE 68137,
(402) 895-9399. Or,

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