Thursday, February 26, 2009

Needs & Wants

People buy stuff to feel good.

People buy stuff to avoid pain.

From a recent email:

Hello Scott,

I get several ad critiques sent in to the office here, each
week. Many are good, but most need lots of help (which is
why they were sent in here, by the way). Often times, the
seller simply doesn't know or understand what his buyer

What your buyer wants is far more important than what you
think they want or what you perceive they want.

So for example, if you're selling landscaping services,
especially in affluent areas, you may think your buyer
wants a good-looking lawn. But... equally, or even more
important, is the time they save by not having to do it

They want to know you're reliable and that after you're
gone, there's not going to be anything left around the
house they're going to have to take care of, themselves.

More often than not, simply thinking about "what's most
important to your buyer" is the missing link your ad

Here are 11 different things you can focus in on, that are
VERY common needs.

1. Making more mo.ney - need I say any more?

2. Saving mo.ney - you want to be careful here. These
customers aren't the most loyal ones to have. As soon as
someone else is 8 cents cheaper... they're gone.

3. Improving your health - this one's as old as the hills.

4. Having more leisure time - quality of life issues are
very important and often go hand in hand with the first
three items

5. Losing blubber - I can't say the "w" word, because that
will trigger almost every spam filter in America. But rest
assured, this appeal will never die.

6. Getting more customers - different to number one. Oddly
enough, number one appeals (ironically) most to the folks
who won't ever actually do it. This one appeals the the
folks who are already running a business or selling

7. Saving time - Yes! In today's day and age, absolutely NO
ONE has enough time.

8. Looking younger - Can you say "cosmetic surgery?" Entire
industries and sub-industries have been built up around
this appeal.

9. Feeling younger and living longer - The newest (and in my
opinion) the industry with some of the most
growth-potential moving forward, is anti-aging. It's also
got a primarily affluent customer base and ongoing
continuity-based services you can provide.

10. Desire to have more friends, be more popular, advance in
some "group" or social strata - Dale Carnegie built an
empire through this in "How To Win Friends And Influence
People," and Lord knows this appeal is still very strong.

11. Vanity - The desire to look good and look better than
your peers is as old as the hills. Can you use it in your

There are loads of basic appeals. The point is, if you're
not aware of what your buyers basic wants are... then
you're wasting your time...

And ultimately... theirs... as well.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Once you know their appeals, here's how to push your
prospects emotional buy-buttons:

Questions? Just ask me, baby!

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