Friday, December 14, 2007

Marketing Flops and the answers

From my email, and from another marketing blog run by the folks at came the following (my answers are in red):

What's Your Biggest Marketing Flop?

I usually ask my audience this question whenever I do a training seminar or speaking engagement: "What is your biggest marketing flop?"

Here's a snapshot of responses from a recent group--

I placed a single ad in the newspaper to promote an event. Received zero response. One Ad, unless it's the Super Bowl will always have a slim to none chance of working. It's always better to get the message out multiple times, to the same consumer, than to blow all your bucks on a single ad.

Have not had any success from newspaper advertising. Any medium can work, if the message is clear and appealing, the cost is in line with the R.O.I. you need to make it work, and you give it the time to work. Also you need to understand how to measure success for the campaign you are doing. Most business owners don't know how to do all of these important elements.

We planned a private retail shopping party. From the RSVPs we thought we had 25 people coming and planned food, staff, etc., accordingly. Only two disinterested people showed up, and we did not sell one dollar's worth of merchandise. I cringe when a client wants to have a private retail shopping party. You are counting on people who are already suffering from time poverty, to carve out the time to come to you and spend their hard earned money. I want to do successful events and invite as many as possible. Also instead of a private event, make it the kick off to a longer sale event. And you must use your connections to bring people in, not just RSVP's.

When I was starting out in business, I got my first call from a reporter. I did not prepare, and the call caught me off guard. Needless to say, my message did not come across in the story as well as it should have. Be prepared. It could be a reporter or your biggest customer.

I have not had any response to my "yellow page" ads. Yellow pages ads do not generate response. I was watching the Steve Martin movie "The Jerk" recently where he is all excited because his name is now in print (listed in the phone book). Remember he was "The Jerk". You need to be more proactive in getting new business, and make yourself known to potential clients before they need you.

Have you had any experiences like these? What could these folks have done differently? Let's hear from you marketing geniuses.

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1 comment:

Skip Lineberg said...


Thanks for reading our Marketing Genius blog. Nice to have you as part of the community!

Your blog is great--a real treasure trove of great, sound, useful marketing advice. And your responses/commentaries on the "marketing flops" submitted by my audience members were dead-on. Bravo!

Skip Lineberg